
A civic innovation to reduce political polarization

  • Toxic polarization is holding us back.
  • The red v blue tug-of-war is getting us nowhere.
  • Everyday Americans feel frustrated, exhausted, and stuck. With no way out.

But what if there is a way out?

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Bridge Pledge: a return path to collaborative politics and consensus solutions

It's time to embrace a totally new way of thinking about politics and the leaders we choose.

First, let's drop our red versus blue political identities. Neither side has a monopoly on crazy. America's wide range of ideological beliefs is a strength, but only to the extent we actually listen to each other, build consensus, and find solutions in our common interests.

Next, we (Bridge Pledge) will objectively measure the capabilities and characteristics of politicians and sort "bridgers" from "dividers" through Bridge Grade.

Finally, as citizen voters, despite our varied personal ideologies, we unite through Bridge Pledge. As a voting bloc, we swing elections by staying unified in our support for bridgers over dividers, even when the candidate's party or ideology does not match our own. Especially then.

Bridgers put common interests ahead of party. Bridgers seek win-win solutions for a coalition of interests.
Dividers put party ahead of common interests. Dividers choose win-lose battles and play the zero-sum game.

The Bridge Grade system explained

Think of Bridge Pledge like Rotten Tomatoes for politicians.

Bridge Grade is a data-oriented, transparent, independently governed sorting mechanism that scores politicians on their ability to bridge America. Bridge Grade assesses politicians with a letter grade to sort “bridgers” from “dividers” based on third-party data from their observable behaviors (think bill authoring, voting records, public statements, public appearances, funding sources) and ultimately their effectiveness in seeking pragmatic legislative solutions through demonstrating collaboration, consensus-orientation, and coalition-building.

Bridge Grade is aggressively anti-ideological: Bridge Grade does NOT assess ideology, nor does it reward centrists. We believe that a wide distribution of thought makes us strong, but only to the extent our leaders can sit with, listen to, and collaborate with those with opposing views. A high Bridge Grade identifies such leaders as bridgers.

MORE About "Bridge Grade"

Bridge Pledge: A cross-partisan citizen voting bloc who always votes for bridgers over dividers

Forget red vs. blue. We choose purple (bridgers) over gray (dividers).

Bridge Pledge is a cross-partisan citizen voting alliance of everyday people who commit to each other through a pledge to always vote for the highest graded bridger – regardless of the political party or ideology of either the candidate or the voter.

We prefer adults in the room.

As "pledgers", we maintain our individual ideological beliefs. As a swing bloc, we are aligned in our common interests of electing the most collaborative all-star team of representatives from any party to lead our eclectic population.

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