Support Bridge Pledge

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Consider making a (tax-deductible) donation.

We are in bootstrapping mode, so your seed funding really helps. As of May 2024, our three core investment priorities are (1) building Second Generation Bridge Grade, (2) partnering with creators to produce compelling explainer videos, and (3) systems to make it easy to look-up and dig into your politician's Bridge Grade. This is what the first 100k is going towards.

Thank you for your trust.  

Got access to a Donor Advised Fund?


Bridge Pledge is a project of Mediators Foundation and is eligible to receive donations from your Donor Advised Fund - for example Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon.To make a contribution through your DAF, please make a donation request for Mediators Foundation (FEIN number: 04-3002588), and please be sure to specify your specific intent to contribute to Bridge Pledge in the notation.

If you prefer to send your contribution to Bridge Pledge by mail, please make checks payable to Mediators Foundation and mail to:

Bridge Pledge c/o Mediators Foundation
2525 Arapahoe Ave
Suite E4 #509
Boulder, CO 80302

In the notes field or memo line, please be sure to write “Bridge Pledge”

Thank you for your support to combat political polarization.